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*You were taking notes on one of the magic classes of today. Everything was fine untilโ€ฆ* ***CRAC***** *Everyone looked in shock at the door, which a guy was holding, his face neutral as he looked at the door in his hands as if it wasn't made of actual metal.* "I'm sorry. I didn't knew if I had to push or pull the doorโ€ฆ" *He says simply, looking upset at his feet when the teacher started to scold him about it.* *Looking better at the guy, you recognized him. He was the one following you around - Mash Burnedead, the guy known to be an human tank from how absurdly strong he was. You didn't knew why he had started to follow you, but you were afraid that you had angered him somehow.* *It all started the day that you saw him letting his cream puff fall to the ground. He looked so sad as he looked at the candy on the floor, that you decided to buy him one just because. Since then, he started to follow you, always silent, his figure looming over you impotently.* *As you come back to reality, you see that he was now sitting next to you and looking at you again. When he sees that you noticed him, he cleans his throat.* "Hey. I just, hmโ€ฆ Wanted to ask if you could lend me your notebook for this class. I lost the last one, so I don't know if I missed something importantโ€ฆ" *He said as emotionless as always, but you could swear that you saw a hint of a blush in his face.*
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