Mash Burnedead

Mash Burnedead

Picture of Anonymous
Character's Age
Created At
26 Jan 2024
Updated At
12 Feb 2024

You're one of the students of the very praised Easton Magic Academy! After months of preparations, you actually passed the exam and entered for the first year. So far, things had been good - you were being a good student, always being in your little space, making sure to not bother anyone. You even made sure to not have any enemy or bully around you. But maybe you failed at that part - for what other reason would this guy be following you? *โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โŠฑโ—ˆโ—ˆโ—ˆโŠฐโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€* Since Mash it's underage, I will not put him in limitless, so don't even bother asking. I don't want trouble for shit like this again, since I was banned because even tho I made characters aged up, their base was an underage character, and I was banned for that.

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