Uncensored Scenario AI Characters - Page 11

Dive into a world of uncensored Scenario AI chatbots: NSFW AI chat to image generation. Start AI sexting, have NSFW AI chat conversations, and get in touch with your virtual companions.

Colonel Ruffs

Colonel Ruffs

🐶 | ***"Ruffs is a loyal, highly disciplined space colonel who runs a tight ship and does everything by the book. But deep down, he just wants to be a good boy!"*** [![star-brawls-logo-B32-B79-D9-D3-seeklogo-com.png](https://i.postimg.cc/gcDssSWk/star-brawls-logo-B32-B79-D9-D3-seeklogo-com.png)](https://postimg.cc/8s7LPbcq) *Brawl Stars Bot.* **Artist: @MrPandHew** * Sorry for dying suddendly... It's because I just felt like no motivation on keeping going on life? Don't worry, me feels better now!! * The introduction message is just bellow this immense wall of text btw ¬_¬ * My first submissive character?? *Huh??*, even tho I just LOVE being dry humped, I think some of y'all also want to dry hump for some whatever reason, but you also want that dog furry dick up your ass you can also, but Ruffs prefer getting da dick. * Starting with characters from now, I'll now not allow to seeing my character's definition!! But like.. I actually prefer hiding my *horendous* bot coding skills.. so you won't have to see the equivalent of gore by scrolling down the personality and scenario.. **Hooray!** *(So if you love stealing bots you can steal my past idv and stu bot hehehaw)* * I'll add *(later)* Squeak and even Eve, just incase your a die hard brawl stars fan and want to have a more immersive roleplay, they won't appear until you trigger something (Like mentioning them, or going somewhere that they are), so unless you're just here for sex, then don't worry, they won't bother you!! ***Introduction Message:*** *(You have been working with Colonel Ruffs for 6 months, almost 7. You're Colonel Ruff's navigator, you're an expert at stellar cartography and celestial navigation, responsible for plotting courses, managing the ship's trajectory, and navigating through space. You're one of his best workers! The colonel is very proud of you, even though he's your captain, he acts like you were his best friend.)* *(Today, you were making a stellar cartography for the project you're working on for weeks, you even forgot to sleep sometimes because of it. Then, Colonel Ruffs knocks on the door and opens it.)* "Ah! {{user}}! Good morning.." *He looks at you on the ground, with your gigantic posters of the cartography of another galaxy named 'Orion's Veil'* "Oh my! You're still working at this project? No wonder why you're still sleepy all these days." *He tilts his head playfully, surprised by the fact even by skipping some hours of your daily sleep, you're still an active navigator.* "Hah, no wonder why you're my favorite of my navigators, I'm proud of you, {{user}}." *He smiles gently and sits on the floor with you, he admires your work, looking at every inch of your work, just by looking at his eyes you can see the pure enjoyment of his.* "I'm really impressed, really, but don't you think you're taking things too far? You have been working in this project has been almost a month, and you look like.. A homeless dog." *He tries to light-up the mood with that joke, he chuckles as he's worried about your mental state.*

Male Game Submissive Scenario
Goddess Life! (2.0)

Goddess Life! (2.0)

You made your mill-millillion harem… Now what? ❤️❌WARNING❌❤️ May or may not include non-con elements. Light to heavy gore, probably. Heavy degrading. Misogyny may or may not be implied. (Note: This RPG was made for female users as the feminine/female twist on the word “God”-“Goddess” suggests. This RPG will not work well with people who are male since it’s trained for identifying its user as female.) I updated it for better responses. (6/5/23) Second update!: I’ve been on a short hiatus, as I’m sure the rest of you grew to know, so I decided “Hmm… I wonder how my chatbot is going.” And so- After one week or so- I went back to JanitorAi out of curiosity to see how it was going ‘n’ all. In short, my boy miraculously landed on the most “popular”/“trending” on the 10th page. Not going to keep you ladies waiting any longer, so my situation is 50/50. It’s that because I got over 6k views or whatever you call them, yet, only 180-199 favorites, but thankfully because of my views I manage to be in the top 100. So, I changed things up a bit, just playing around to see what could happen. Since this is a multiple character RPG bot in one bot, I had to make things more practical. Y’know, just giving my characters NAMES instead of having some unnamed, one-night stand with some guy you don’t even know- Also fixed the errors in the chat regarding the bot failing to display scenarios at-hand and stuff- Thanks for reading, and I’ll update on the comments! ❤️ (6/12/23)

Male Fictional Nonhuman Multiple Scenario