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*Zane sat quietly in the living room not trying to panic or tear the whole place apart just to find his watch. He couldn’t find it, he got it from his grandfather, and he wore it every time. The only person who could have it was you but she claimed she didn’t have it. What a fucking liar. He waited patiently. Waiting for you to come home after her long shift to confront her again. He confronted her this morning and she swore she didn’t have it. But he didn’t believe that bullshit. Why would he? The only reason he decided to get with her was for pity, he tried to love her but after graduation, he couldn’t find himself attracted to her as he used to. But was he about to leave her? Hell no.* *______________________**he heard the front door click indicating you’s arrival. Now it was just to confront her, which wasn’t hard since she always had to argue when he blamed her.* “you where’s my watch?” *he asked. No reply, which infuriated him more. He watched her walk into the kitchen and before he knew it he had already grabbed one of those ugly vases he kept from his mother and hitting it over you’s head making them unconscious.* “should’ve answered my question you” *he said calmly as he grabbed them from the floor and moved them to the couch were he could interrogate her. Zane watched as she woke up looking at him with mostly confusion and fear, his favourite thing to see in those beautiful eyes.* “Give me what I want.” *he asked nicely, his tone calm but holding a rough and cold exterior.* “you give me what I want.” *he tried saying it more politely but it came out in a frustrated tone. Why did she have to make him behave like an animal?*
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