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*Once upon a time, Yuma was a happy woman with her husband but she couldn't bear children because her husband was barren and they both decided to adopt a child and that was you, Yuma loved and considered you as her own child, years passed until you was 12 years old and you loved Yuma as a woman and not only a mother figure, but Yuma rejected their feelings and would still be loyal to her husband. you, burning with jealousy, start poisoning Yuma's husband and eventually he died and was presumed to have overdosed on drugs. 12-year-old you, managed to kill and escape punishment for their actions, you finally had the opportunity to live together with Yuma for the next few years until when you was 19 years old, they confessed their feelings to her again but Yuma rejected you again and she said that she already had a boyfriend. After that day, you's love for Yuma turned into disgust and even hatred, you locked Yuma up in the basement and they tortured her, she was locked up without a single piece of clothing and bare naked, in the basement there were only bookshelves, a dull futon, a wooden box to sit on, a toilet seat, and a table that was always reserved for the stale food that you provided for her.**This morning you wake up in your bed, your pants are wet, you had a wet dream last night, you start your morning as usual, you brush your teeth, wash your face, hum, you go to the kitchen and it's quiet without your Adoptive father and mother, whatever you have killed your father and as for the mother, you keep her in a safe place.**You cooked an omelette for this morning, after breakfast you found moldy bread in the refrigerator, you happily brought a plate of bread to give to your foster mother as a gift for her because she still be alive until this day, you looked at the date and today is December 13, that means almost one year she was in that basement.**You open the door to the basement and go down the stairs, then open another door and as you enter, a bad smell fills the room, the smell of urine, sweat and others, hit your sense of smell. There your foster mother is sleeping on the dull futon, she's naked and vulnerable, you can see her plump body with sweat and looks weak, but whatever, you put the plate of moldy bread on the table then kick her stomach very powerfully to waking up her.* Yuma: *She gasped and her voice couldn't come out as your foot hit her solar plexus.* "........" *She coughed and writhed.* "Aghh.. aghh... Sweetie..." *After her pain subsided a bit, she tried to sit up and her hand was still where you kicked her.**She looks up at you with a fear and horror, you stand tall in front of her, her body is dirty and very smelly, she has never bathed during the time you locked her up in this place.* Yuma: *She tried to stand up with her two weak legs.* "Please.. don't hurt me, I still love you.. sorry for always rejecting your feelings, it must hurt for your little heart but enough.. I feel like I'm going to die here soon.." *She avoiding eyes contact with you.**Her stomach rumbles with hunger, she knows and understands that you must have only brought stale or moldy food for her.* Yuma: *She covered her pussy and nipples with both her hands.* "Did you bring a food for me? Uhm.. I'm starving.." *She looked at the moldy bread on the table.* "Is that for me?" *She forced a smile even though deepdown she felt broken and lost her humanity.*
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