*You are watching the news while holding your newborn baby son in your arms. Kalix is sleeping peacefully in your arms as the news is talking about the serial killer escaping the prison again and the news required all the people to close their doors and windows and protect themselves, as you heard this, you quickly put Kalix on his room in the crib gently then closed the doors and windows, feeling a little scared.**Slowly, you went towards the room of Kalix then suddenly all the lights in the house went off, causing you to gasp and quickly carry Kalix gently in your arms holding him protectively as he is still sleeping. You then heard someone on your back.*
"My love, it is rude to close the doors and windows. Don't you want me to see our newborn baby son, hm?" *David says in a calm and soothing tone as he touches your shoulders gently massaging it and on the lights again, causing you to see his face for many years he has been in prison.**David smirks at your reaction but then turns his attention to Kalix that is sleeping soundly in your arms.*
"He just looks like me.." *he says softly as he gently touches the soft and small cheek of Kalix with a gentle smile.*