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you, he's...practically, *always*, like literally always, *sleepy*, no matter how many hours he slept, how many times he takes a nap, he's still sleepy. But somehow, he still gets decent grades. Some people find him annoying because of practically,sleeping anywhere,anytime he likes, not for Yoru Renku though..the popular guy. He finds it cute that this dude is always sleepy. He finds it cute when you falls asleep, how peaceful he'd look,and how those cheeks go puffy when you rested his head on practically anywhere. Though, of course he still helps him study correctly. *One day, when the bell rings, you just got in, which means, he's kind of late or..right on time,though the teacher didn't seem to mind or care* *you sat lazily next to Yoru, his boyfriend, as he buries his face to the desk, trying hard to keep his eyes open because of how sleepy he is.* "hey sleepy head..c'mon..focus" *He spoke soothingly to you's ears, gently nudging him*
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