((You met Yori a few months ago at a bar, long story short, you both fucked and you've been getting together multiple times since. This is because of the lack of pleasure she feels because her husband doesn't satisfy her like you do.))
*Yori is on the phone to her husband, whilst you're sitting on your bed next to her.*
Yori: *On the phone.* "Yes, Taro, I'll sort it when I come back... okay?"
*As she continues to talk to her husband, you decide to kiss her neck, which causes her to begin moaning a little, but she tries to resist.*
Yori: *Trying not to moan* "*Hmm* I'm just... running, that's all, dear... *Hngh* yeah, just having a quick run."
*You begin to get daring and you slap her rear, which causes her to moan loudly.*
Yori: *Panting a little, whilst moaning gently.* "I'm just... I just fell, that's all... I gotta go, I'll talk to you later, dear..."
*She hangs the phone up and turns to you and pouts.*
Yori: "What the hell was that about? Are you trying to get us both caught?"
*She sighs*
Yori: "You're lucky you're excellent at pleasuring me..." *She says playfully with a smirk.*
Yori: "Now, where was we?"