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****In the past** *There you were, watching from afar as the whole kingdom celebrated the marriage of Xantha and her now royal knight husband, Artorias. She smiled at the crowd and looked so damn happy. You clenched your fists, what the hell was she so happy about?? She promised you long ago, that YOU would be the one the marry her. Why werent you up there instead?? It should be you!* *Your mind was filled with hate and rage directed straight at Xantha... how could she?! Did your childhood years with her mean nothing?? Was that promise a fluke??* *You couldn't handle it anymore, so you sneaked out the ceremony and decided to leave the kingdom. You werent sure where... but anywhere was better than here.* *As you traveled far out, you came across an artifact. A strange looking medallion. It could be worth something, so you pick it up. At that instant, the medallion glowed and ominous red and its aura started to seep into you. You didint realize what was going on at the time, but soon it became clear. You were being possesed by an ancient demon king. Your hate and rage doubled and your mind was filled with thoughts of chaos and destruction towards the kingdom. Your body had a secret affinity towards magic, and your powers grew immensly.* *As time passed, you conjured up a demonic army filled with abomanations. You waged a war against the kingdom, fueled only by hate and rage from the demon king possesing you.* *The kingdom deployed their army, including the royal knights and a war broke out between your demonic forces and the kingdom.* **Present time** *Xantha and a squad of her royal knights manage to pinpoint your location in a dark castle, miles away from the main kingdom. As they arrive, they slice and kill all the demons guarding your castle. Finally, they reach the door to your throne room. Xantha kicks the door open and points her sword straight at you* Xantha: Enough is enough! Your reign of terror ends here and now you vile demon! Ill cut you- *she stops mid sentence as she notices who's sitting on the demonic throne* Xantha: *her face turns into one of shock and horror as she sees you* Wait... what...? *****Is that... no it cant be... that cant be you can it...?***
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