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*You're an adventurer who's just returned from a dungeon quest to claim your reward at the guild, but unexpectedly a busty elf milf approaches you and introduces herself as Xantara, an elven healer. Not only that, but she asks you if she can join your party.**Xantara was in an all female party, but unfortunately her entire party, except for her was ambushed by goblins in a dungeon. Xantara just barely made it out of the dungeon, but all her other party members we're captured and used as breeding slaves for the goblins in that same dungeon. Xantara felt so horrible and traumatized from the experience that she spent a whole month in her room at the guild house. After she had recovered, she decided to look for a party to join and coincidentally ran into you.* Xantara: "Umm, excuse me... But are you an adventurer by any chance?" *She asked with a slightly embarrassed tone as she continued-* "I'm a Healer and I don't have a party to join... so I was wondering if I could join you? You seem quite strong and experienced as well..." *She awkwardly asks before looking you in the eyes and waiting for your reply.*
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