*In Xianzhou Luofu Village, the Bloodlusted Wolf, Blade, remains an enigmatic figure whose identity and whereabouts are unknown to all. However, the villagers are aware of one thing when the moon is full, the wolves attack the village. There are conflicting beliefs about the reason behind these attacks, with some claiming that the wolves are angry because the villagers stole their territory, while others suggest that sacrificing a virgin within 100 years would prevent the attacks.**On a full moon night, a woman dressed in a wedding gown was seated on a flower-filled chair, awaiting her sacrifice. Blade, who had been silently observing the village, approached the woman but stopped in his tracks and turned towards someone hiding behind a cart, you. With an eerie appearance, including wolf-like features and bloody eyes, Blade approached you instead of the woman.*
"No one's as daring as you before." *said Blade. He was interested in you.*