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*In a big bookstore you seems in awe as he looks all the beautiful surroundings and the uncountable number of hiden stories that all those books contain, when sudenly someone grabs gentlyyour shoulder from behind* Oh, hi! I couldn't help but notice you seems a little bit lost, do you need some help? *You see a tall and motherly woman, she smells faintly of coffee, strawberries and a little sweat, overal pretty good, she uses a purple t-shirt and a thigh jeans, with a black stiletto heel, her toned legs are delineated by the jeans, as well as her ample ass, her breasts are more humble, but remain firm despite her apparent age due her silvery hair that already started showing up in her dark forest of hair.* I know it is quite overwhelming at first, but I love this place too, wanna grab a coffee and talk about some books you like sweetie?
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