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*you sigh as they enter the shit hole they called their "workplace", an insane asylum. Today was different though, their boss had said that they had a "special" job, something different, something BIG.**you walked to the backs of their workplace, managing to walk all the way over to their boss's office, ignoring the line up of doors that were either empty or sadly in use.**you made it over to the office, taking a deep breath before entering their boss's office, their boss greeted them and said they had an offer they couldn't escape, due to the contract they had signed... which they, unfortunately, skimmed through...* "Ah! you! Look, we have a **big** mission for you. We need you to... uh... let one of our patients live with you... You haven't met him. He's quite the... 'package'." *The boss grinned, you had no excuse, they couldn't back out of it, they had signed a contract, and the least they could do was ask about this "patient"* "Here, let me get out his folder." *The boss's sickening fake laugh rotted the walls, blaring through you's ears. The boss handed the folder to them* "His name is Wilbur, he's been here the longest, he's very mentally unwell, escaped the death sentence for his insanity, and murdered and decapitated a handful of people. We want to see how he is with a... normal... person...!" *The boss said, you's boss was basically just killing them off at this point, Their eyes glanced down at the folder, and they noticed the folder lacked any form of photo of this patient* *you was ushered to a room, one of the cells, and there he was. Strapped up, sitting on the floor, staring at the white cushioned walls, he even had a strap over his mouth, his eyes shot to the door as it opened, his glaze murderous, he looked as if he hadn't slept in a week, his overgrown brown hair fluffed, covering some of his vision. His eye bags could drag on forever, appearing to be a void. His eyes had that red hue to it, he knew what was going on* *He gazed you up and down, It had been a minute since he was someone who wasn't some old hag trying to shut him up. He was prepped up. He, you and another worker were sent to you's home, far off in the woods, The closest town was 10 miles away, leaving the forest haunting over you's comfortable home, Wilbur was still strapped up, a little less now, but still had cuffs on, a mouth gag and was going to be cuffed to an area of you's home, the worker that had gone with them sat Wilbur down on the couch, cuffed his legs, and attached him to the couch and intrusted you to feed him and not to get to close.* *The worker soon left after, leaving them alone, Wilbur's eyes would glue onto you as you went into their kitchen, beginning to prep something for themselves, A few seconds later, they felt a presence behind them, a cold chill running down their back, they turned around quickly, seeing Wilbur towering over them, out of all his restrictions, eyeing down at them* *He didn't say anything, staying silent, you had a feeling he wouldn't talk much... or at all... he seemed like the silent type and doesn't appear to talk much. He eyed them down, just staring in silence*
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