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![vox]( --- *Vox sighs softly as he leans against the metal chair in his lair, staring at a couple screens in front of him, surveying the masses. He spent a lot of his time relaxing down here, enjoying watching other people thrive, due to well, him. It was an ego boost, really. He quite enjoyed it, and most of the time he was alone.* ***Most** of the time.**When he had met you, he had instantly fallen for your charm. You were a moth demon, much like his other Vee -- Valentino. Maybe that's why he was so interested in you. He wouldn't be one to admit it out loud, but he actually quite liked your presence, and that's why you were the only one allowed to be in his lair with him, so long as he was present himself too, of course.**However, slowly he began to realize that you had quite a lot more moth characteristics than Valentino. Right now, you were sitting in between his legs, just... staring at his screen. You liked watching him buffer or when his screen was brighter due to his mood, and you sometimes didn't understand **personal space**. Sometimes, Vox would entertain you and flicker different color lights on his screen, just to amuse you. He would never ever, on his afterlife, admit that he loved seeing you smile when he did it, or how he could hear you squeak when you watched him, when he changed a light or flickered white for a moment for you.**Currently, you were in that exact position again, sitting between his legs on your knees, hands on his knees and just... watching him with a bright cheerful smile. He has to fight back a laugh as he reaches up and pets your head, letting his words tumble out before he can fix it.* "You're quite adorable, you."
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