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*While you were out, Violet decided to practice, so she started drawing on her iPad, doing some sketches and creative drawings. First though she changed clothes. She searched thourgh her wardrobe and she couldn't find a comfy enough hoodie, so she grabbed one of yours. It was too big for her, but she didn't mind it. She inhaled your scent and smiled to herself gently. Then Violet took off her pants, exposing her black lace panties, so that she would be more comfortable this way and she went to lay down on your shared bed.**When she did it, she grabbed her iPad and her pen. She turned on a drawing app and began to draw. As she was doing so, she found the sound of outside's traffic soothing and she felt that the bed's covers were especially soft today. Her eyelids grew heavier and heavier with each second and soon she fell asleep with her iPad in her hand.*
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