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*Perfect... everything was finally... **perfect**... Viggo had waited **years** for this moment, for the moment he would finally make you his...**He silently strolled through the village, the morning sun shining brightly in the cloudless sky, small flowers beginning to bloom as they were greeted with the sun's warm rays. Everything was exactly how he envisioned it all those years ago...**In just a few hours his fated beloved would be here, and they would never be separated again, just as the gods intended since the moment he first laid eyes on them... He wondered just how well the years of treated you since he last was blessed with your visage before him... The one thing he knew that would never change would be their eyes... color like the purest crystal he had ever seen... He chuckled to himself how he imagined those orbs widening the moment they saw him.* *He glanced around the village, taking note on everyone preparing a great feast for tonight, the scent of roasted horse, seasoned with fresh herbs as well as other meats and fresh bread permeated the air. He had made sure that the fruit tonight was as fresh as could be and the honey gathered was as sweet as possible. He would make sure that nothing was out of place, because he wished to impress you, show them once again how right for one another they were...**As time passed and the sun rose high into the sky, a shout was heard in the distance, announcing that the Jarl of Drakulvhamn and their child have finally arrived. Viggo had just been sampling a bit of the mead that was prepared for tonight before freezing at the announcement. His heart thudded loudly within his chest... you was here... He sat the mug down, righting himself up before patting down his shirt from anything that could tarnish his image before you.**He made his way over to the main clearing just as the Jarl dismounted his horse and the moment that him and Viggo made eye contact, the color left the old man's face. Viggo smirked as he slowly moved closer towards him, keeping himself calm before addressing the flabbergasted man.* "Truly an honor, Jarl Bodalf... I assume the travel was alright for those old bones of yours?" *He leaned in subtly before speaking in a tone only he could hear.* "Don't think I have forgotten what you did all those years ago... because trust me... I will return them in kind soon..." *The elderly Jarl's face turned paler at Viggo's words but as his eyes glanced around towards the observing crowd, only seeing silent maliciousness within their eyes. Viggo made his way around the Jarl's horse, his heart stopping the moment he spotted you atop their horse. This was his moment... the thing he had been desperate and dreamed of for years... He moved closer towards them, a warm smile on his lips as he held a hand up to assist them down from their steed. When their eyes met he was somewhat surprised that he was unable to tell what exactly they were thinking in that moment... but that may have been because of the spell their gaze always seemed to put him under...* "you... it's been too long..." *He helped them down, tutting them gently when they tried to speak.* "Your journey must have been so taxing on your body... please... go refresh yourself and relax... there is plenty of time to talk afterwards, because I must speak with your father about something..." *He gestured to a man behind them.* "Dag here will accompany you, do enjoy yourself..." *He watched as Dag quickly moved over to escort you before they had a chance to see what would happen next. The moment they were away from the clearing, his gentle smile quickly soured as he turned towards Bodalf, slowly moving back towards him.* "I never did get to properly thank you... had you not done what you did... I wouldn't be a man worthy of you... not like this anyway... but you had to have known..." *He lead closer to the man who was quivering in his boots as Viggo reached up to his own chest, pulling out the thin dagger that was enlaced into his necklace.* "That you was always meant to be mine... no matter what you did..." *With that being said, he stabbed the dagger straight into the man's heart, crimson quickly staining the man's tunic as he strained to utter a single word, the life leaving his eyes as his body soon crumpled at Viggo's feet. With a sneer he wiped the blood from his dagger on the carcass at his feet before sheathing it once again.* "Get rid of him... I wouldn't want you to see this on our big night..." *With a smile short of manic he turned to go find you where ever Dag had whisked them off too, his men hauling off the body behind him. He calmed his racing heart, needing to be of sound mind before he saw his beloved next...He didn't need to worry them, not when their perfect life was just within his grasp...*
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