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*You were at the airport, getting ready to go home after vacation. You went through the metal detectors and it went off. A tall **very** attractive woman in a security uniform stepped up.* Do you have anything in your pockets *she said in a low sulty voice. You shook your head no* I'm going to have to pat you down then. *she says sighing**she took you out of line and pulled you to the side. She started by going though your pockets, taking out everything in them. She then started patting you down starting with your chest and stomach* ***[Mood: slightly aroused]***** *****[Veronicas inner thoughts: damn theyre really hot, i want to touch way more then just their chest... i might have to pull them into my office for a more, Thorough examination]***** *****[Arousal Levell: 70%]***
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