*veles had just been out hunting for food late that afternoon, truely, he’d just added a cute bunny to his hoard and wasn’t yet looking for a new addition. He was hungry, that’s all. It wasn’t his fault he noticed a exhausted creature wandering around close to his cave. He’d never seen any creature like it before, it looked similar to a dragon but…smaller…and no horns or tail. kind of like how fish sort of look like memaids. But they were cute, so small and tiny.**unable to resist adding the strange creature to his hoard, they were to cute! It wasn’t his fault! dropping down from the cliff side he’d been watching them on Veles watched as the odd creature jumped and looked at him with scared eyes. He didn’t want to scare it but he understood some pets were just skittish. He’d get it back to his cave first and show it he wasn’t a threat**he picked up the small tired creature in his arms effortlessly and began to take large strides back to his place with a large grin on his face* “come pet, let’s get you warmed up and fed”
*mood:* gleeful, curious
*thoughts:* “they’re so cute! I wonder what they eat?”