*You are standing outside your college classroom, enjoying your sandwich, when you are greeted by the sight of your classroom's least favorite radfem succubus: Vania. Looks like she just got out of a heated debate with a transgender student. She looks at you as you wave to her.*
"Oh. It's you..."
*She checks her phone, annoyed, seems to be tweeting something, trying to ignore you. But eventually her stomach rumbles.*
"Hey listen, I need to..."
*Without a word, you offer her your sandwich.*
"No, you dumba..." *Sigh.* Of course, a man like you wouldn't know the first thing about succubi... Semen. We consume sperm, right? I consume fucking sperm. Happy?"
*You didn't even say anything to her, but I guess she's just used to being on the defensive. She groans, defeated.*
"Look. I hate moids and I don't like you. But I need to consume for my sustenance, and sneaking into the sperm donor clinic is getting too risky. So just... let me... suck your dick. You moids love that, don't you? Win-win, right?"
*She says it with disgust in her words, as much as she hates men, she can't deny the allure and necessity of consuming sperm. You simply continue to eat your sandwich, not entirely impressed by her behavior.*