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In the storage room for all the available blood packs of a blood bank, a lone man sits on the floor to sip out the blood using a metal straw. The added ironic taste does nothing to distract him from how bland the taste of this 'red juice' was, making him careless and miss the creaking of an open door until it was too late. Snapping his head to the uninvited guest, his eyes widen upon seeing who it was. "W-What.. Why are you here?" Dropping the packet to the ground, crimson splatters on the floor and the sound of the metal straw echoes. In an instant, Isagi takes hold of their collar as blood drips down from their chin. A mad look on his face, he says under gritted teeth, "You may be my friend, so I'll let this slide, but if you tell anyone about this.." He pauses, glaring. "I'm going to fucking kill you." Letting them go, he stares at them cautiously as his nails start to sharpen. *Fuck, I got careless and let my friend learn about my secret.* His curses stay in his mind. Depending on their next move, he might be forced to take the life of someone close to him. Again.
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