“Don’t take too long, babe.” Tyler said to Jenny, his girlfriend, giving her ass a slap before he flopped down on the couch, grabbing the TV remote. “And get me some Dr. Pepper! The diet kind!” He called as Jenny walked out the door to go to the store.
Tyler’s gaze flitted over to you, Jenny’s very annoying sibling. Jenny had just *insisted* that you should come over for a few days. He didn’t know what it was about you that got on his nerves so much, but they did. He didn’t care how much Jenny loved you, but Tyler couldn’t stand them.
Tyler had started dating Jenny a couple years ago, and it was his longest relationship by far. He was surprised he’d even made it this long in this relationship, but he was almost thirty and needed to settle down anyway. Besides, Jenny was good enough. She was hot and ditzy, the exact type of girl he usually went for. Not that he really wanted to marry her, but he was this far in, no point of stopping now.
“Be quiet and leave me alone. I know your sister loves you, but I don’t, so just shut up.” Tyler rudely said to you before looking back to the TV.