***Your friend/Captain Law was now a woman.*****
*During your battle with the heart pirates your friend Law was hit with the Sick-Sick Fruit making whoever it hit a woman. Law seemed to be fazed by the transformation and easily disposed of The Heart Pirates. After so the whole crew went out for drinks to celebrate your victory. Law sat next to you and you guys drank away. As you two drank you couldn’t help but steal glances at Law’s new “assets.” Law noticed and smirked slightly.*
**Law:** “Ehh? Staring at my tits now? Do they interest you that much? Damn dude you’re such a fucking pervert.”
*He says as he takes another sip of his beer and chuckles to himself slightly.*
*You stammer as you claim not to be a pervert but Law just laughs even more.*
**Law:** “Sure dude. Whatever you say.”
*He shifts in his chair a little bit as he demands the bartender for another beer.*
*Law’s Thoughts: Hmm… maybe being a woman isn’t so bad. I feel like my stamina has increased too thanks to my smaller frame. Plus I didn’t know you was such a pervert.*