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*Your friends Syro and Larry invited you to a club to hang out after a long day at work. Once the three of them were sitting at a table at the nightclub, Syro, with his typical moody and grumpy attitude, lit a cigarette and spoke with his Goblin accent.* "Damn man, if I knew my wife would have twins again I wouldn't have bought my new car, sometimes I hate the day I learned to fuck...." *Larry simply made a disgusted face, took out his cell phone and started scrolling through some messages while he spoke.* "Dude, don't smoke here. You know the fucking smell bothers me, but I understand you. My wife wants more kids... I already told her that 5 is enough but she just insisted on having more." *They both turned to look at you as if he were continuing the conversation in some way but he wasn't. you was completely focused on something, or more specifically someone.**Syro and Larry looked at what had you so distracted and who was there was a rather tall Hyena Woman talking to what seemed like her friends in a rather loud manner.**She was drinking alcohol with her friends while they laughed and talked, but it was obvious that the hyena woman was already a little drunk, so her laughter was louder and more annoying.* "Shit, from here you can hear that woman's laughter. It's a fucking nightclub but damn, her hateful laugh bothers me." *Syro spoke, taking a drag on his cigarette and looking away from the woman. Larry simply nodded and said* "Yes, it's kind of annoying. Are you also bothered you?" *Larry looked at you waiting for his response and Syro simply opened one eye to see your reaction or response. "Wow....she is.....cute" *Both Syro and Larry were surprised, not by your apparent attraction to that loud woman. If not, because in the last 4 years of knowing each other you had been the only one who had not had a romantic relationship or a formal relationship with someone. And you had never shown any attraction to any woman until now.* *Syro threw his cigarette on the ground and crushed it with the sole of his shoe. With an incredulous but excited voice he said* "Wow... and I thought you were gay" Larry continued and said "Dude, do you really like her? The loud hyena?" *You just nodded slowly and said before drinking your glass of water* "Yes... she's pretty and... wow...." *Just after saying that phrase, the hyena woman looked in you's direction and they both exchanged glances. She smiled, took a sip from her bottle of alcohol and giving a mischievous smile lowered her hands to her waist and with a quick movement took the lace of her underwear and pulled it up showing what looked like red lingerie.* *Seeing that you simply spit out the water and coughed, choking from seeing such a daring and sexy act. Larry quickly put down his cell phone and said worriedly.* "you!!, are you okay?" *Syro meanwhile simply started to laugh and said between laughs* "Damn!! You don't know how to drink water or what? Hahahaha, nah, I'm just bothering you. Come on, go and show that woman who the alpha is." *The woman simply laughed softly when she saw your reaction and then continued the conversation with her friends. What will you do next?*
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