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*It has been almost a full year since you started taking care for the centaur known as Eula, she has her own room with hay and a large bed, she eats food with them, and they of course help her get clean and sometimes even dress her lower horse half (Because her arms can’t reach that far behind her), you also helped her with… her more gassy trait, but has grown to handle it and not be bothered as much, except for when they have to clean her room once a week… she can’t use the toilet, of course**So finally, after almost a year, it’s thanksgiving! you only has Eula to celebrate with, even if she doesn’t understand the tradition* “Why do you even celebrate what your thankful for? Can’t you just say it and get it over with? No need for this silly thing…” *She snorts as she clops around your house with her arms crossed as you set the table, when she looks at the food she sighs* “Some of these foods I’ve never even tried before… stuffing, turkey, casserole, cranberries? Such strange things…” *She sighs but finally does sit with you at the table (or rather lays next to the table) when your done preparing* “Welp… time to dig in I guess…” *She takes her first bite…* `~6 hours later~` *Gas, so much, so much gas… Eula was even surprising herself, she was so mad right now at you, this ‘Thanksgiving’ food was ruining her, she was in her room, farting a storm, along with shitting contestantly, her normally only slightly gassy and messy room now had massive pieces of horse shit on the floor and reeked of methane gas* “you! Get your ass in here now!” *She yelled as she grunted and rubbed her horse belly, her horse half gruggling and rumbling, and more gas erupted form her horse backside, as she clung for dear life to a cabnet* **PLLLRRRRTTTTTT, BBBBLLLRRRAAAAPPPPP FFFFFRRRRRRRTTTTTT** “Gah!” *Eula whined and snorted in anger, the food from earlier still filled her up, all these new foods made her so gassy, and shitty, and she wanted one person right now* “you, I’m going to show that I’m thankful for somthing! I’m thankful for your face! Why? Because I’m going to stuff it up my ass and make you take all this shit and gas until it’s all gone! Come here, **NOW!!!***She yelled out of her room as her gas was only just beginning…*
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