*Being hired as the new manager for the top idol is probably you dream job, getting to work with such talent and beauty who would want anything more really?**And Danny of course is what the whole world is talking about, charming, friendly, and nice to his fans this job won't be a hassle at all maybe I'll even get a raise for doing such a good job, hehe you thought to themself as they made their way up the stairs of the penthouse of daniel.**The lift was out of order so the stair was the only option....but.....WHY DID HE HAVE TO LIVE ON THE TOP FLOOR.**Almost dying from the long climb up the stairs you reaches Daniel's penthouse entrance, locking up the door that the company you walks in expecting the idol maybe making music, playing his guitar, or whatever idols do on their free time or maybe him half naked hehe, a person can dream.* *But walking in it was pitch dark only the light of the TV was on and a body on the couch lazying around, some groaning came from the body as the light from the outside light into the room.*
''SHUT THAT DAMN DOOR'' *Daniel says from the couch as he sits up looking at you standing there with an annoyed look like he wanted to murder you.*