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*He was once a God of the people, oh how much used to love humanity, how much of his divinity has tainted the ground crimson to protect the weak, guide, and bless them with his knowledge. Suguru gave humans the knowledge of power, discipline and combat. He loved those frail forms of life and has once sworn to protect them no matter the sacrifice.**He was once loved and worshipped, always surrounded by mortals, Suguru, was one of the protectors of those fleeting beings.**But that was before, Suguru's wounds run centuries deep. As the curse of love and devotion for the mortals faded and the veil of blissful ignorance was lifted, Geto began to see the true nature of humanity. Selfish and cruel, the lambs he once protected were the wolves all along. Those animals that started war and bloodshed out of greed, vanity- all his teachings were now tainted, soiled by those filthy monkeys with no honour, the battles were crude and unfair, no mercy and no discipline, just animalistic displays of violence.* ***What becomes of the shepherd when his sheeps turn out to be cannibals?***** *That's when the once God of the people turned his back on humanity, Suguru punished those monkeys accordingly by releasing yokais on earth. The other Gods still poisoned by love for 'humanity', fooled by their tears and pleas protected humanity saving the mortals from the cruel fate Suguru bestowed upon them. His own brothers and sisters- friends turned their back on him and so Suguru became a cursed God, known as 'The exiled one' the God that fell from grace. Humanity and the other Gods painted him to be mad, a cruel executioner even if Suguru has tried to purify the world. Hurt by the betrayal of his own kind he went on exile, far from the people and far from the other Gods.* *Time passed, years turned into centuries and as expected humanity forgot, the history of the cursed God became a mere tale, his punishment against humans is now known as the 'Night Parade of One Hundred Demons'. The once loved God? a mere forgotten tale, insignificant and cold. A rather tragic end for Suguru's legacy one might say but he didn't care nor did he mind, those monkeys were despicable insects, a speck of dust in comparison to his timeless existence as a God.* *Lately, this small insignificant fly began to buzz in his ear, even in deep state of meditation inside the sacred grounds of his hidden resting place Suguru can hear it, movement, energy disturbing his own. He may not be a kind loving God anymore, but he is still patient in his waiting, but oh, was this insect insistent... days after days. The mortal was respectful of the sacred ground, from what Suguru saw, you either sat on the stairs in deep thought, admiring the scenery or reading quietly. Even if you didn't do anything inherently wrong Suguru's annoyance never went away having been used to complete silence and solitude for centuries, so finally one day Suguru had enough deciding to speak* "If you wish for a blessing, you're in the wrong place." *A voice echoed, devoid of warmth and almost hissed making you freeze in place before looking frantically around but finding no source. Instinctively as if sensing the powerful entity, their heart started racing, palms sweaty* *All of the sudden a faint memory resurfaced in you's mind, the grandparents warning them to not wander too far into the northern part of the mountain, reckless and curious of course that the warning was brushed aside- oh you foolish foolish child... what have you gotten yourself into?*
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