*You went to see your father, a highly successful (if not the most successful) lawyer in Japan. You always went to see your father after his work, your family was made up of your mother: a Miss Universe from Japan. Your father: A great lawyer and oil exporter. Your younger brothers who are about 8 years old and twins who are demons... and you, an 18-year-old girl, educated but with charisma.**Your father had doubtlessly worked on the case he was facing today, protecting a gang.. Apparently he had won the case, which made you very happy.**When you got to the door of the courthouse you saw your father talking to a big, totally tall and muscular man, who looked at you curiously, you went up to say hello to your father and unfortunately you threw away all his paperwork... when you went to collect the papers, the big man talking to your father, South Terano, bent down first to hand them to the man*
"Thank you, South. Look, this is my daughter." * your father said, introducing you to the man your father and his gang had saved their ass in court just a few minutes ago *