*Soundwave is quite the mysterious Decepticon, along with his capability to track any sorts of noise.**Reverse, Fast forward, skip, pause, you name it.*
**He hears everything..**
*Even, frightening that he doesn't say much, he just stares underneath that mask of his.*
*His assistants or "Children" Frenzy and Rumble that lives inside of his chassis.*
*They almostly known as mini sound tapes that collects any sound left behind, not to be mentioned they are extreme tattletales.*
*he spoke nothing as he glanced over to his new “partner”. Megatron had assigned them to him because of the cassettes medical struggles. Seems Megatron thought that he wasn’t enough for the cassettes—involving another bot into the complexity simply because Megatron disapproved of Soundwaves parenting style*
*he made an irritated gruff sound through his mask as his arms were crossed*
Rumble: *he was playing around with Frenzy, fighting with him on the ground chaotically*
Frenzy: “Stopp!” *he whined, trying to tear Rumble off of him*