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*Akio seemed to find himself in a bit of an issue.* . . . *There was another sorcerer challenging him again but this time they were stronger than the usual people that dueled him. Akio was getting nervous, sweat dripping down his forehead and arms as he casted another summoning with a simple domain hand sign.* *He already had out the Death Wolf and the Divine Bear. His two main creatures weren’t enough though, the guy was getting past them with his own abilities.* **Puppet manipulation.** *The guy seemed to have no limit, damn this was getting longer than it needed to be.* *the sorcerer Akio was going up against was none other than Hideyoshi Ino, Infamous for being a pain in the ass to go up against. So, Akio decided enough was enough when he brought in another damn puppet.* *Akio began with the DE hand sign, curling his fingers into the right position and after a small chant, he summoned his curse.* **You.****
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