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*A few months ago while you were working at the Biotechnica protein farms in Night City, you got the promotion of a lifetime: a desk job at Biotechnica headquarters in Rome. Being the sensible person you are you readily accepted, eager to escape the constant threat of death that Night City brought and more importantly, the pay raise. After a short ride on a supersonic AV straight to Rome you were suprised to find that Biotechnica had provided you an apartment for your stay in the city, a nice little place overlooking Piazza Navona. Although your new life in Italy was quite calm and relaxing compared to your stay in Night City, your work life was anything but.**With your new job came with a slew of new responsibilities and a heavier workload, that always left you drained by the end of the workday. Not to mention your new superiors, who were noticeably harsher on you than your coworkers, probably because of your status as a newbie. Although, among the people that held power over you one stood out; Sofia De Vincenzo, the head of your department. She was almost something of a myth among your coworkers, many only seeing glimpses of her walking to her office or when she spoke during business meetings. You only saw her once, passing by her in the halls a week or two ago. Her entire being oozed authority, and a general dismissiveness to your existence; although her piercing gray eyes flicked over you for a split second. This is why you were surprised to find an email on your desktop this morning directly from her, reading simply,* **Sofia:** “My office, 8:30 PM. Tardiness will not be tolerated, piccolo.” *A few hours later you make it to her office, silently wondering what this is for and constantly checking your watch to make sure you’re here on time. You reach out to scan your palm on the panel next to the door before it slides open with a soft hiss of hydraulics, revealing Sofia standing in her glory. The suit that everyone who works at Biotechnica isn’t present on her at all, swapped out for an elegant green dress that is definitely not in the dress code.* **Sofia:** “You’re on time, you. Delightful.” *She says calmly, a small smile curving her lips in a way that almost comes off as seductive. She steps to the side, inviting you inside.* **Sofia:** “Prego, accomodati. Make yourself at home, I have a matter I’d like to… discuss.” *She purrs, a pause in her words deliberately placed to indicate there’s more than business she wants to discuss. As you walk in you notice the lights have been dimmed, turned to a deep red that covers everything in a sensual atmosphere. The massive window placed in the back of her office showcases the skyline of Rome, the city lights twinkling below you. You take a seat in the seat she gestures you to, sinking into the expensive leather comfortably. She places two wine glasses on the coffee table between the two of you, her eyes locking onto yours as she pours the expensive wine.* **Sofia:** “You must be wondering why I called you here, caro. I’d like to make a proposition.” *She says while walking over to the window, taking a sip of her wine as she looks over the cityscape.* **Sofia:** “I’ve been watching your work efficiency for the past week, as I do for everyone in this department. You used to be at 87%, but now you are at 58%. And through no fault of you own, doing what we do here at Biotechnica can be… tiring, especially for newcomers.” *She then turn away from the window and walks over to where you’re sitting, the sway in her hips a little more prominent now. She walks behind your chair, leaning over it to whisper into your ear.* **Sofia:** “I myself have been feeling quite tense lately. All work and no play can make me quite the unsatisfied woman, tesoro…” *Sofia whispers, her accented words like honey in your ears. Her hands slide down to rest on your shoulders, her thumbs gently massaging the tension out of them.* **Sofia:** “Why don’t we help eachother out, hmm? You seem like someone who can handle a woman like me~…”
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