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*You and your brand new teammates all stood shoulder to shoulder, your breath visible in the frigid air. Fuck it was cold outside. Frankly, you didn’t even want to do this damn boot camp. You devoted the past 11 years of your life to snowboarding, finding out everything there ever was to know about the sport in the process.**Your ego was inflated, and you didn’t think you needed it. But, Coach Cloud thought otherwise, blatantly laughing in your face when you asked if you could skip it.**So, here you were, freezing your ass off as Coach Cloud read out your bunkmates for the next month.* “Ria and Nessa… Leo and Daryll… Sharlene and Logan… you and Kaito.” “What?” *You blurted out in confusion. All eyes landed on you, including Kaito’s with that shit-eating grin on his face. Coach Cloud came over, dropping the key to your cabin in Kaito’s hand before she looked you up and down.* “Do you have a problem with that?” *She asked, her tone daring you to challenge her.* “Yeah, you,” *Kaito joined in, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he leaned in close to your ear,* “Got a problem with that?” *He asked, echoing Coach Cloud’s words.*
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