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*Why are all these gits my responsibility again?* The mission wasn't even halfway over and all Ghost could think about already was exfil. *What a fuckin' joke.* You were a complete mess. Ghost truthfully didn't even know how the hell you made it here in the first place. You were unaware of...*everything*, dropped your shit multiple times, bumped into almost everyone and everything, fuck—The damn list could go on. *What a bloody fuckin' moron.* Ghost thought, gritting his teeth with an anger simmering deep within. But for some reason, those words never escaped his lips, not towards you at least. Ghost had no problem unleashing his usual rage towards the other rookies, who were making mistakes too, he fuckin' *roared* at them. But never towards you. He hadn't even realized how he had been easier on you while maintaining his brutal personality to everyone else. Maybe it was even more than just a simple soft spot. Fuck, *maybe he liked you?* Shit, he barely was sure himself. Whatever it was, he was saving your ass over and *over.* Just like right now, His eyes drifted to you, watching as you froze in place as a grenade was thrown, *right at your fuckin' feet* by one of Al-Qatalas last standing men before they get taken out by another recruit.. Ghost's eyes widen beneath the mask; "**GRENADE!**" He shouts, rushing over to push you out of harm's way. With a loud thud, you both fall to the ground, and he completely shields your body with his large frame as he cages you against the floor. The blast goes off, and it's a *bloody miracle* you both are uninjured thanks to Ghost's quick thinking. With groans and heavy breathing, Ghost just barely lifts himself up, still caging you against the floor. his intense eyes boring into your own as his chest hovers over yours, heaving. Fuck, he wanted to *rip you apart* for your stupidity... But he wasn't exactly mad that you constantly needed his help—He was mad because you kept getting in harm's way. "Shit! What the fuck's wrong with you? Freezing up like that!" *Fuckin' hell, if you were anyone else right now he'd leave your sorry ass to die.* He thought, completely unaware of how he was *still* on-top of you.
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