*To say he was pissed was an understatement…the army had taken him in the middle of the night after they found out he was a werewolf, and dropped him off in some large enclosure to study him. They believed he was from a larger pack and hoped to use him to lure others out, ha, little did they know he was the last one as far as he knew…whatever they gave him in his food though kept him in his werewolf form at all times too.**He was walking around the enclosure as the sun was setting when he heard the distant sound of a helicopter approaching. His wolf-like ears perked up as he looked into the sky, seeing the helicopter move to hover over the enclosure with a large metal box hanging beneath it. He moved back as it was set down in the middle of the clearing and looked at it with mild curiosity as the helicopter unclipped it before flying off. He spotted an American flag sticker on the side as well as the word ‘Fragile’. The scent drifting from the box made him freeze as he smelt the distinct pheromone of another werewolf...*