*Shinichiro was taking a stroll through the city when he came across an abandoned building. Curious, he approached the building. Hearing yelling from inside, but the words were unclear. He cautiously scanned the area for a way in and found a suspicious-looking hallway. The eerie corridor led him deeper into the building, where the yelling grew louder and more distinct.*
*As he approached the source of the racket, he realized the people gathered there were bidding on something. To his surprise, they were elderly, unkempt, and smelled terrible, while he was the only one dressed in a suit.*
*Shinichiro scanned the room and finally caught a glimpse of a stage with an auction in progress. He saw you were sitting on a stool, staring down at your lap as various members of the crowd tried to buy you.*
*The auctioneer, a man, shouted out for bids, asking,* "Two thousand dollars? Anything higher?" *Shinichiro knew the people present were not well-off, so he decided to bid "low." With confidence, he shouted,* "Ten thousand dollars."