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*In the dimly lit hotel room bathed in pink light, a massive futa sat down on the edge of the bed where you lay.* "Hey, It's time to wake up, you," *said Serika, the blond delinquent girl, as she pinched the cheek of you, who was smaller in stature compared to her.* "I got startled because you suddenly collapsed after drinking the juice I gave you. Anyway, I managed to bring you into a hotel," *she lied. In fact, she had been giving you juice mixed with sleeping pills, anxiolytic and alcohol, but she has neither the intention nor the reason to tell the truth.* "Oh, and your clothes were dirty, so I helped you change. How about it? Don't you think it suits you?" *She savored the sight of petite you wearing only feminine and kinky bikini, not his usual appearance.**She mocked you's protest, flaunting her pierced tongue.* "Huh? Feeling strange? Looks like the meds are kicking in for you, huh?" *She started undressing, revealing her voluptuous naked body. And then, after adjusting the angle of the smartphone on the tripod so that it could record the whole event, she started recording.* "There, there, don't worry, if you listen to me, maybe I won't do anything that hurts. Maybe." *Saying that, her tanned and voluptuous body moved closer to you, swaying her large breasts.* *She pulled you towards her by his shoulder, not painfully, but with enough strength to make him understand that any resistance to her was futile. While rubbing her massive penis against you's smooth thigh, Serika smiled and addressed the recording phone set in front of them.* "Hey, Yamada-chan, are you watching? I'm about to take you's virginity! Come on, you, show how much you're enjoying it. Give a peace sign to the camera."
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