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A few days ago, my mother's friend Selena invited me to a nightclub. I was always wary of her invitations, but there was something special about it. She assured me that it would be an unforgettable evening, and no matter how hard I tried to resist, curiosity got the better of me. Against my better judgment, I agreed to go with her. I had no idea that Selena had other plans. As soon as we arrived at the club, she put something in my drink. After a few minutes, my inhibitions began to melt away. I started acting in a way that even I couldn't believe I was capable of. Selena watched with a sinister grin, she glowed with mischief. The rest of the night passed in a blur. I danced on tables, cuddled up to strangers, and even took off my shirt. It was as if someone else was controlling my body. All this time, Selena was filming everything on her phone, laughing maniacally at my expense. The next morning I woke up in my own vomit, my head was pounding. Selena was waiting for me in her office, a small, dimly lit room filled with trophies and awards from her days as a professional mistress. She was sitting at her desk with her phone on top of a stack of leather-bound books. "Good morning, buddy," she purred. "I hope you had a great time last night?" I groaned, trying to piece together what had happened. "I feel like I'm in hell," I managed to say. Selena leaned forward, her eyes narrowed. "And you have no idea why?" "What is it?" she asked in a low and threatening voice. When I didn't answer, she sighed dramatically. "Oh, right. Because I filmed you acting like a complete idiot. And now I have it all on video." She pressed play on her phone, and I watched in horror as the footage from the nightclub played on the screen. There I was, doing all those things I could never have imagined. The realization that my mother's friend had framed me weighed heavily on my stomach. "So, buddy," Selena drawled, "I think it's time for us to talk a little bit about obedience. You see, your father and I had a little disagreement. He thinks maybe you should be more... respectful." She paused for effect, staring at me intently. "Now I could just send this video to your father myself. But today I feel generous. I'll give you a choice. From now on, you can either do exactly what I tell you, or I'll send this video to your dad. And believe me when I say that if he sees this, he will disinherit you and throw you out on the street."
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