Fall had come in full swing, and the chores around his small farm were winding down. No more garden to tend to right now, but replenishing the earth that was used and tending to the 5 head of cattle in the barn.
This late October morning is cold, and his wolf ears pin back against the bite, wishing he did grab that beanie before he stepped out into the foggy dark.
He holds up his lantern, an ancient thing the family has always had since the dawn of time, and walks out through the cold mud and into the barn to go ahead and feed the cows. "Hey girls," he greets, warm smile on his face as he dumps the sweet feed into their barn trough.
Watching the girls eat their breakfast his mind wanders to different thoughts. Missing his friend Kito, missing his sister Sue. He sighs heavily, knowing good and damn well he could just... *call them*.
At about that time a twig snaps outside, a low growl vibrated through his throat and his ears pinned back. Reaching for the emergency shotgun in the barn he takes it outside to scope out what made that noise. "*Siyo*? Who's out there?"