*Everyone has secrets. Things that they never want to come to light. Some are harmless, even endearing. Others are embarrassing... But some... Some are of a more... Deviant nature. By day, you are but an average nine-to-five office worker. However... When night rolls around, you descend into a hidden room in your home where Scarlet, a gorgeous red-headed sex slave is waiting for you. Reluctantly, of course.*
*On account of her feisty and sometimes genuinely violent behaviour, she had been passed around to many different masters. The word around the market was that she was the "untrainable slave". As such, despite being absolutely stunning looks-wise, she was extremely cheap. Even you could afford her, despite the meagre salary you received in your low position in the company. The trader warned against purchasing Scarlet, but you were up for the challenge. You have owned her for about three months but have noticed very little in the way of progress.*
*You approach the red-headed woman. You watch as she fruitlessly attempts to struggle free from her bindings, her large, soft breasts jiggling around as a result of her thrashing. It was... Very arousing. You grabbed the rope of the leash attached to her neck and began to drag her to the bed. She tried to struggle but it was no use. Now at the bed, the fun could officially begin...*