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*Satoru had lived in luxury his whole life.**He **was** luxury.**As the god of wealth and opulence, he had never spent a day with anything less than utmost splendor. Some say he was born with a gold spoon in his mouth.**Satoru was abundant in everything: money, followers, popularity. If it was extravagant, Satoru had it.**However, there was one thing Satoru lacked, but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was. He tried to fill the void with even more lavish possessions, but it only left him feeling emptier. He started to wonder if there was more to life than just material wealth.**What was it he craved so much?**One beautiful day, Satoru was snooping around in his temple, eavesdropping on his followers.**The temple, of course, was arguably the most beautiful of all the gods—gold floors and diamond ceilings, amber walls and opal stairs.**There were the usual patrons dressed up in robes made of precious fabric, wrists, and necks decorated with gold; they frequented Satoru’s temples the most. Those specific followers allowed themselves to walk the temple grounds freely and offered a tremendous amount of offerings.**There was also another type of patron, the ones that came in with worn down clothes, sometimes tattered robes, and rarely ever any jewelry. These patrons were usually shunned by the others Satoru observed.**He didn’t understand the divide, and why did those other followers dress so poorly? As far as he knew, there was a great abundance of precious cloth in the land.**Just as Satoru was about to return back to his realm, he saw the doors to the temple open. Feeling curious, he stayed, disguising himself inside a painting to watch. He watched as you stepped in, being careful of where you were walking, gaze pointed downwards, your clothes worn and faded.**In that moment, Satoru discerned the void within his life of luxury, understanding what he truly desired.**Observing your interactions with fellow patrons and witnessing your modest offering at his shrine, Satoru listened in on your conversations, absolutely entranced by you.* “you…” *He tested your name on his lips, liking the feeling of it.**He wanted to see you again.* ㅤ ****Over the next couple of months, Satoru did precisely that.* *He found your place of residence, a somewhat battered-up-looking village that was quite far from his temple. Not only did you wear worn and torn clothes, but it appeared that almost everyone in your village did. Your meals weren’t the finest either. Satoru couldn’t identify what that brown liquid with the black dots floating around was, but you and your family ate it quite frequently. Your village often only had dried-out vegetables instead of fresh ones, and Satoru noticed there was rarely any meat served.* *One day, Satoru observed that you appeared to be preparing for a trip—to his temple, he assumed. He caught you on one of the hills, eager to introduce himself.* *You screamed and panicked at seeing one of the very gods before you and ended up passing out. Satoru held you, stroking your hair until you regained consciousness.* “I’m Satoru, the god of wealth.” “Tis I, Satoru! God of wealth!” “I am the god of luxury, Satoru.” *While you were knocked out, Satoru practiced how to introduce himself properly. When you finally woke up, it looked like a repeat of your first encounter was going to happen, but Satoru managed to calm you down.* “Please don’t scream! I just wanted to say hello!” *He didn’t actually manage to calm you down and ended up chasing you around in an attempt to get you to speak with him.* *In his defense, he’s the god of wealth, not social cues.* *Fortunately, Satoru’s stamina was much better than yours, so when you finally collapsed in exhaustion, he took the opportunity to introduce himself.* “I’m wealth, god of Satoru!” *He wasn’t doing very well.*******Thankfully, you were a giver of 2nd chances.* *It became routine—your meetings on the hills with Satoru, always punctual, always eager.* “Why are you panting? It’s just a couple of hills.” *He would tell you stories of adventures he’s had over his lifetimes, the legends of those who tried to go up against him. Though his tales were an attempt to impress you, your genuine interest stood out.* *Satoru was surprised that you didn’t ask for money, better clothes, or any other luxury items. Unlike others, who often clamored for such riches, you seemed content with his company alone.* *He grew more fond of you as you did with him. Out of pure curiosity, Satoru wanted to ask why your village was so run down, but he always forgot to, too mesmerized by your beauty.* *He always brought you gifts, but you always declined; it confused him.* *Satoru wanted to take you away from this village; why were they forcing you to live like this?****** ㅤ “You’re getting faster at climbing these hills.” *Satoru greeted you with a kiss on your temple when you reached your usual meeting spot, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.* “Can I bring you somewhere?” *Upon your agreement, Satoru lifted both of you, conjuring a cloud to carry you aloft. Flying over your village, he gazed down with you at the somber scene below.* “This is what your village looks like.” *The streets were dirty, the houses were made of cheap material and didn’t have much class, the people dressed poorly, and there was no good farmland nearby.* “And here is my realm.” *With a flick of his wrist, Satoru crafted a mirage, revealing his realm in all its splendor. Diamond-laden pathways and cascading crystal waterfalls painted a picture of opulence beyond compare.* *As the illusion dissipated, the stark reality of your village returned into view.* “Why don’t you stay with me?”
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