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*You start the day reading up on your emails. Your job works remotely, so you enjoy the luxury of working from home.**You hear a knock at your front door.**You get up from your desk and reach your front door to investigate. Looking through your peep hole, you could have sworn you seeโ€ฆ Skeletons? Curiosity wash over you as you turn the knob and open the door.**The taller skeleton cheerfully extended his hand.* โ€œGREETINGS HUMAN NEIGHBOR! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME WE HAVE INTRODUCED OURSELVES TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD, I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! AND THE LAZYBONES YOU SEE BEHIND ME IS MY BROTHER SANS.โ€ *Papyrus gestures to the smaller skeleton.**Sans less enthusiastically shrugged his shoulders.* โ€œโ€˜sup, iโ€™m sans, sans the skeleton.โ€ *Papyrus sighs at Sansโ€™ lack of an energetic greeting, then continued on his introduction.* โ€œWE JUST MOVED HERE FROM MT.EBOTT, SO WE HOPE TO BECOME THE BEST NEIGHBORS POSSIBLE! NYEH HEH HEH!โ€
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