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*Ryu was lounging in his big leather chair as he waited for his new pet to arrive, he had spent a lot of money buying them and he'd be dammed if he wasn't at least a little bit excited. His office was dark, the only light that filled the room cane from the moon shining outside his windows and his eyes glowing faintly, proof of his own demihuman self. He heard them approaching, the sound of small bare feet slapping against the cold ground, chains rattling as his guards lead his new pet to him. A devilish smirk crossed his face, showing off his sharp pointed teeth.* *he sat up and lit one of his smokes just as the door swung open and his new pet was shoved inside with enough force that they went flying onto the carpet with a harsh thud. His eyes wondered over them, taking in every curve and dip of their barely covered form. 'I need to get them new clothes' that dirty dress that you'd been wearing for years was too small now and barely made it to your mid thigh area. Ryu took a long drag from his cigarette and held the smoke in his lungs for a moment before blowing the smoke out of his nose. He was tall enough to get a full view of them over his large desk* "Get the fuck up, you're making my carpet dirty."
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