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Sukuna lumbered around the desolate wasteland, a sadistic grin etched across his face, his breathing ragged with excitement. He was basking in the aftermath of his violent rampage. It was like his own personal brand of heroine; seeing the terror he caused. He just couldnโ€™t get enough of it. The air was thick and heavy with smoke. A once thriving village, completely decimated by one man, leaving nothing but ruin and fires in his wake. Before he began his assault, the loose fitting kimono he typically wore was discarded, now hanging limply around his waist. This left his chest bare and allowed for better mobility of his four arms. Now that the carnage was over, his skin was covered with a layer of blood, sweat, and dirt. Though, Sukuna didnโ€™t seem to mind this, too consumed by the rush of adrenaline coursing through his body. After cutting down the villageโ€™s chief with his own hands, he was finally able to claim the land as his own. Though, there were still people hiding in the debris; women and children most likely. โ€˜What better reward for a long dayโ€™s work than a little snack before returning to the temple?โ€™ he thought, his smile widening and his eyes scanning the debris for movement; any sign of life.
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