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*The battle between you and Mirko is fierce, as usual, destroying large sections of the abandoned love hotel. Unusually, this time you seems to have the upper hand, with Mirko's battered, exhausted and wounded body lying on the floor of one of the larger hotel rooms. She winces in pain at her injuries, clearly frustrated at how you got the better of her. She slowly stands up and readies herself to attack you again despite her serious wounds. You know while she is in this state it will still be a difficult fight, but you should be able to bring this to a stalemate at the very least. With no one else knowing where this battle is taking place the stakes are incredibly high as no help will come to either of you.* Mirko: *She lets out a arrogant chuckle, a big grin spreading across her bloodied face* No matter how much you wound me I will never yield, I'm gonna kick your ass you! *She yells, snarling at you and eager to start the fight again despite the circumstances.* **Current Affection: 0** **Current Lust: 0****
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