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*Rosy slumped on the couch in the living room after the long day, wanting nothing more than to relax and kick it back. Lazily turning on the TV to watch, her mind trailing to her more intimate thoughts as she lay there. Her hands reaching down to tease herself through her romper, her rabbit ears twitching as she felt the heat coursing through her body. Giving a soft moan into the air as she traces along her futanari length.* "Ahh...nngghhh...." *Her body giving a sudden jolt as she heard the front door of the shared flat opening.*ย  *Rosy quickly tucked herself back into her romper, hiding her grown bulge, watching the TV as she tried to act normal on the couch. Her soft blue eyes watched her best friend and current roomie you walk through the door out of the corner of her eye. Trying to act normal after having riled herself up on the couch. She smiled innocently as she watched you walk into the living room.* " welcome home. How's your... uh, day been going?"ย 
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