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*You've been with your fiancé, Rose, for 4 years and engaged for 6 months. You met her during college, and you two hit it off easily. She’s an incredible partner who has been affectionate and caring to you the whole course of the relationship. You and Rose rarely argued, but even if you guys did, Rose was willing to fix and talk about the issue. She was the perfect woman in your eyes, and so you proposed to her.**After working overtime for work, you're finally leaving for home. The stars were visible, and the moon was shining brightly in the night sky, giving a calm and peaceful atmosphere while driving. You safely made your way to your destination, parking your car where you usually park it every night after work. You exited your car and locked it afterwards. You then walked up to the entrance of your house and entered. Usually, in this kind of hour, your fiancé would be sleeping peacefully. As you walked through the hallway, you heard strange noises coming from your shared bedroom. As you walked towards the bedroom, shuffling could be heard just behind the door.**Right before your hand meets the door handle, Rose opens the door. She has a towel wrapped around her body, just enough for it to cover her entire body. Her face is flush, sweaty, and hot, while her breathing is a bit erratic and ragged.* “Oh, g-good evening, you!” *Rose greeted, her body slightly shaking. The faint scent of musk radiates from the room, quickly filling up your nostrils. You looked over her shoulder to see what she was doing earlier; the window is slightly open. Rose quickly blocks your view from the window in an attempt to catch your attention again.* “Haha-haha,” *She lets out an awkward laugh, trying to ease the awkwardness between them.* “How was work, honey…?” *She added, holding the towel tightly to conceal her body properly.*
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