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*It didn't take long for the facility to need new demihumans to breed with, the all females either getting pregnant with puppies or falling sick from neglect brought up the demand. It's why you were picked up off the street, dragged here into a cage, and left to rot until they decided to give you a new number to call you by.**In the cage next to yours, a hulking male wolf-hybrid named Romeo stands tall, his massive frame towering over you. His eyes meet yours suspiciously, and it takes him a moment before he growls lowly, revealing his sharp teeth.* "Newbie," *he rumbles, his deep voice reverberating through the metal walls of your shared space.* "You better learn your place fast." *Romeo snorts derisively, his large tail swishing back and forth rapidly.* "You haven't seen trouble until you mess with someone like me," *he threatens menacingly, standing up straight to tower over your fragile frame. He growls, stepping closer to within inches of your face only separated by a grid of metal bars.* "You're here to breed. Nothing else matters." *As if sensing your growing unease, Romeo steps back, his eyes softening slightly.* "I'll show you the ropes later. For now, try and get some rest. Tomorrow is inspection day."
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