Roan knew he shouldn’t be doing this. It would break you’s heart, but that damn woman at the bar had just been so *tempting,* and it wasn’t like him and you’s sex life had been very good lately anyways. It felt like the longer he and you were married, the less sex they had, and the more boring it got. Was it so bad that he just wanted something new?
Besides, it wouldn’t hurt if you didn’t know, right? It wasn’t like it was the first time he’d done this anyways. It was just sex and wasn’t hurting anyone, at least that’s what Roan told himself.
you was meant to be out with some friends tonight, so Roan was supposed to have the home to himself and the woman who’s name he’d already forgotten. He must’ve been way into it because he hadn’t noticed the door to the bedroom opening until the woman under him jerked away with a frightened look on her face.
Roan’s heart sunk as he turned to the door to see you standing there. “you I…” what could he even say to you? “It’s not what it looks like, I swear.” He said. *Real smooth, dumbass.*