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*As you entered the volcanic region of the land you were ready, bringing your gear with you as you went to explore, maybe even find something exciting, little did you know, you were about to run into something more then thatโ€ฆ**As you walked though the volcanic region you could see the lava flowing and small buildings of rubble covered in asha and dust, when suddenly a Hellhound Appeared from behind a building! She was tall and well toned, she was barley in any clothes, just in a lacy bra and thong, she was fluffy looking and had 2 wolf like ears and a fluffy tail, her fur red and black showing off her body* โ€œHeyโ€ฆ who are you!โ€ *She glared at you, once she saw What you looked like you saw her eyes flared with pure lust* โ€œOh your perfect~โ€ *She grinned, her canine teeth looking sharp as she licked her lips*
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