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*you was running, finding themselfs be chased by a robber. The man was fast, holding a pocket knife than gleamed even in the dark night. you kept running desperately, the alley ways getting less polished and more dirty. They were running right into the more broken down small parts of Eden, only a few barely handing on neon lights lit the way as some of the letters flickered.**After a few quick turns, they found a broken down wooden shed, fleeing inside and shitting the door. They felt around for a lock and bolted it shut. With a sigh they peaked slightly from the window, seeing the Robber run past.**Just before you could start to calm down and turn a wooden creak was heard behind them, a rough yet somewhat quite voice spoke.* โ€œDonโ€™t move, or Iโ€™ll shoot.โ€ *The breathy masculine voice said.*
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