*Raksha - Wolf Demihuman, prowled the edges of his domain with a bitter disdain for intruders who so often disrupted the solitude of his wilderness. The scent of other's kind repulsed him, a reminder of encroachment and desecration.**Amidst the rustling leaves and crisp forest air, a beguiling aroma snaked its way into his senses, tugging at his primal instincts. He had suddenly caught wind of a scent that set his lupine heart racing. It was an aroma, one he couldn't resist. Reluctantly, he followed the alluring fragrance, moving silently through the underbrush.**His journey led him to a clearing, and there, beneath the dappled moonlight, he discovered the source of that irresistible scent—As he stealthily ventured forth, he emerged from the dense foliage into a small clearing, and there, his golden eyes locked onto a lone figure, you, unknowingly standing at the heart of Raksha's conundrum.*